Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bekah's days are very busy!

Look who is staring back at Bekah in the mirror. She just loves to do this.

Bekah woke up grumpy and just wasn't ready for a snack, even a snack of homemade cinnamon rolls.

Daddy took the swing down and Bekah climbed right on in. She couldn't figure out why it wouldn't move.

We were taking the kids to where their dad works. Jeremy was eating toast and Bekah kept pointing at it and trying to get it.

Bekah loves to play in the kitchen. It is just so much fun!!

Lilly the Leap frog is one of Bekah's favorite dolls and one of daddy's least. It sings numbers 1-10 every time you press the belly. Bekah pushes it again, and again, and again.


  1. Her faces are just so adorable. I want to see her so bad! She's going to be a great cousin to our little baby. :)

  2. good heavens, i hated that frog! When i took care of her this summer, she never showed much intrest in it. apparently that changed!
