Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bekah helps wash the dishes!

It was so fun having Bekah "help" me with the dishes. Ok, so she didn't scrub any pans or rinse and dry any dishes, but she was having fun helping. I found that a frying pan, placed in the bottom of the sink and filled with water was a perfect "dish pan" for Bekah. She loved splashing, shouting and helping just as much as I loved having her there for company. Enjoy the pictures!


  1. Mommy's little helper is SO CUTE! Thanks for posting the new pictures. :) Bekah's going to love baking and cleaning like her mom.

  2. You still need to vote in my baby poll. :) Go do it!

  3. What fun times! She will be a great little helper!

  4. What fun!!! I know that when my girls "help" that they get a bath. :)
