Thursday, November 15, 2007

Cheerleader Baby!!

Bekah is our cute little cheerleader. She enjoyed playing in the front yard. One of her favorite things to do is take handfuls of dirt or bark and sprinkle it all over. Here she is trying to empty one of our flower pots.

Uncle Kevin let Bekah play with his hat. She enjoyed putting it on his head and on hers.

Daddy's little 49er cheerleader!!


  1. What a cute cheerleader! Go 49ers. I still remember Chris listening to the game at our wedding. That is a die hard fan!! :)

  2. What a cutie. Are you starting her on turtlenecks at such a young age? She's going to be just like her mommy...oh, except that maybe she'll like watching football like her daddy. That remains to be seen.
