Thursday, November 22, 2007

Bekah The Gymnast

Bekah loves to push the envelope of her abilities. After learning that she could climb down stairs backwards she decides that she wants to head down the way every one else would. The results were quite funny to Sarah and I. No toddlers were harmed in the making of this video.


  1. That was adorable! The fall didn't seem to bother her. :) Hearing Chris laugh in the background is great. :)

  2. Okay, this is the funniest video EVER! I almost went into labor I was laughing so hard. I think I had to watch it about 6 times before I could finally listen to what was said. You've got to send this in to Funniest Home Videos! (I'm glad you put the disclaimer in there about no toddlers being harmed). Makes me not feel so bad about laughing my head off. I love how she just layed there with all four limbs splayed out! SOOO funny!Aunt Megan gives this 5 stars!

  3. We are in the process of sending this off to AFV. There is a ton of paperwork we have to submit for it to even have a chance to make it on the air so we will see what happens.

  4. Chris has shown this to everyone in our group and anyone else he can get to stay still. I really hope it makes it on to AFV. If laughter is good for us we must be so healthy. :o)
