Monday, October 29, 2007

The Pumpkin Patch

The pumpkin patch was so much fun. We put all the kids in a wagon and walked around the farm. We went with Kim and Leo and their kids Katrina and Lena, as well as Dan, Michelle and Max.

Happy cows come from California.

Look, a pumpkin!!

Hay anyone!

Maximus and Bekah share a special moment. How cute.

Bekah loved seeing the cows. She yelled at them and got so excited. One even came over and licked her hand.

The corn maze was really hard to walk through so crawling was a better option.

Bekah did NOT want a family picture so this is what we got.

Max and Bekah playing in the dirt.


  1. Fun times! It looke like Bekah had a blast.

  2. Ohhhhh!!!! Bekah you are SOOOO cute!!

    I loved the pics sarah!!

  3. Oh, what fun times. Wish I could have been there! I love the line..."Happy cows come from CA." You're so funny! Have a great day!

  4. Looks like everyone had a fun time! Cute pictures.

  5. I Love Bekah's little pigtails. She is just the cutest! I wish I got to see her more often. I enjoyed our chat this morning. Love ya!

  6. Don't let Bailey see that picture with the cow...might make her jealous!!! Bekah just loves animals...

  7. She looks so cute looking through the fence!

    What a sweet little bunch in the wagon. :)

  8. you need to post pic's of bekah's cheerleader outfit!
