Monday, October 15, 2007

Mail Call

Bekah likes to help mommy with the mail. Mostly ripping and eating it but that's fine for all the junk mail. Oops! That was a bill!!

Playing with the animals. Boy do they make good friends.

Nana Laurie came for a visit. Bekah enjoyed seeing the lau and a fun book.

The book has a bee that you can move with your finger. After listening to the book and seeing the bee "move", Bekah would grab the bee then flip the book around really fast. She would stick her finger in the hole and talk to it. It was so comical.


  1. Oh, what an adorable niece I have. I have so enjoyed spending time with her these past few days!

  2. She is so cute!!!

    Is today her birthday?

  3. I'm so glad that I was able to add you Sarah! I didn't realize that you couldn't get through to my blog. Time does really fly with the kids. I try to enjoy every moment with them because I know that they'll be all grown up before I know it. It feels just like yesterday that Abigail was Sophia's size and now she is 4. Give your birthday girl a hug for me!
