Friday, October 19, 2007

Bekah's One Year Birthday Party!!

Bekah turned one year old on October 15th. The day before we celebrated her birthday with family at the park.
Poppa Karl and Bekah

Sammy Caris playing with the bubbles.
Aunt Jennifer and Bekah.

Bekah really enjoyed her cupcake. Unfortunately I was holding her and forgot to give someone my camera. I'll post pictures later of her enjoying it at the park. But- The next day we took pictures at JcPennys and I gave her a cupcake for the very last pictures. This is her enjoying the last of the cupcake.

Great Grandpa Chuck, Great Grandma Sue and doggie Badger.

Poppa Karl and Daddy

Megan with her baby "bump".

Uncle Scott and cousin Catie.

Poppa Karl, Bekah, Daddy and Mommy, Auntie Megan and Nana Laurie.

Bekah's new lawnmower.

Great Grandma Martha

Uncle Kevin, Grandpop Wayne, Aunt Karen and Grandmom Lynn Kuhner.

Aunt Jennifer

Mommy and Auntie Megan.


  1. Looks like a very fun birthday. I'm glad all the family was able to be there-that is very special.

  2. Well I was thoroughly enjoying the post until I got to that picture of just me and a very cheesy smile!

    Hope we see you two Kuhner ladies Tuesday -- I'm taking picture in the nursery and really want one of Bekah!
