Sunday, August 05, 2007

Visiting Grandparents in Redding

Bekah had fun in the backyard, playing on the grass and finding green peppers to chew on. I love the pictures of her sitting in the grass with her bunny.

Bekah liked the hammock and sat with her grandfather for awhile. She loves the funny things he does and the funny faces he makes.

When my mom was a little girl in the nursery at church she used to play with a little rocking horse. A little while ago she found an old rocking horse just like the one she remembered. She is still working on getting it back into shape. It will take a little more time and paint to make it like new. Bekah wasn't too sure about it but I do think she liked it. She like to pull herself up on it.

We put Bekah to sleep in the port a crib in my dad's office. When I went to get her in the morning this is what I found. She was sitting in the middle of the crib surrounded by paper's and she was smiling as she waved a pencil around. We quickly moved her crib away from all the fun stuff she could play with.

Bekah with her Nana. She enjoys smiling and playing with her and showing her Nana all her toys.

Bekah giving Oompapa a hug. She laughs so much when she is thrown up in the air.


  1. Looks like Bekah had a great time! Very cute pictures! Hope your visit was a great one :) The pics in the grass are great!

  2. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see the beautiful little munchkin.

  3. awwwww... she is so CUTE!!!! u totaly lucked out on this one

  4. Soooo cute!

    Check out pics #5 & 6 -- doesn't she look like she has TWO pony tails? :)
