Thursday, July 12, 2007

What's that you say?

New video over here. No, really, there is!


  1. I found a high chair today, and I was wondering what you did for the safety straps. Mine has them, but they aren't that great. Any suggestions? Also, did your mom make some sort of a cushion for yours?

  2. I think that the title box problem disappeared. I went into to it as if I were doing a new post, and it worked. Weird.

    Mine has the leather strap too, well, it has something. It also has a back strap thing like you find in restaraunt high chairs. It is just a bit grody and old.

    My mom thinks that I am crazy for buying it, but Mark likes it, and it takes up very little space. Our eating area doesn't have room to spare, so that is exactly what we need.

    I can't wait to see the pictures. I am going to see if my mom will make a cover/pad for ours too. No rush on that, though.
