Sunday, July 29, 2007

Camping Out

The kids came over to spend the night camping in our backyard. We set up the tent and loaded it with sleeping bags, pillows and blankets. Bekah had fun crawling all over the tent and exploring.

The kids had fun running around and wrestling with their Uncle Chris. Jeremy loves doing this and having fun hanging out with us. He has so much energy and spunk.

We got our fire pit going and all of us roasted hotdogs over the fire. They tasted really good. All except for Jessie's. She decided that instead of ketchup or mustard she wanted peanut butter on it. I tried to talk her out of it but she really thought it would taste good. I only put a little bit on. Good thing because she really didn't like it. Go figure!!

Jessie enjoyed the smore's much more than her peanut butter hotdog. Everyone one had smores made with Reese's Peanut butter cups. Yum!

We played guesstures. Jessie can't read so Chris would whisper the word to her and she would try to act it out. She didn't really understand all of the rules but that made it much more fun to play with her. She was trying to get us to say the word egg. She kept making an egg shape with her hand, then pushing her hands apart and whispering "hatch, hatch". It was soooo funny.


  1. Looks like fun - I am sure the kids had a great time! Peanut butter and hot dogs - yuck!!!!! But you know I LOVE the s'mores with peanut butter cups!!!! Those are the best!

  2. MMM...I'll have to try that one, s'mores with peanut butter cups!

    Looks like you all had a fun time. What a great way to enjoy eachothers company!

  3. Yeah for backyard camping. Someday I'll have a backyard! I laughed at Jesse's idea of a good hotdog. Weird. i guess it makes her a little more normal seeing as she didn't like it!
