Monday, June 11, 2007

Her little red dress

I love this little red dress on Bekah. It makes her eyes look so blue and pretty. What can I say? I'm a proud mamma who absolutely loves her baby.

Bekah is so interested in the animals. As soon as she sees Baily or Emma she crawls right to them. Emma stayed here for awhile and let Bekah get right next to her. Bekah thought this was very cool.

Chris is such a sweet guy. My husband is a great dad and the best husband.

Getting ready for a bath. Bekah had fun crawling all over her room and climbing up onto me.


  1. Cute naked baby! Sarah, I like your bangs pulled back...are you growing them out? Love ya and miss ya!

  2. That red dress is very cute - - -

  3. I love all the recent pictures. I can't believe how fast she is growing up!

  4. Megan
    Yeah, I think I am going to. I have to cut them so often or they are in my eyes and bothering me. I am just trying something new.
