Friday, May 04, 2007

Brushing my Teeth is Fun

Bekah has one little tooth and more coming. I got some baby tooth brushes. This one she is playing with massages her gums and helps with teething. She really enjoys chewing on it, the gum massager and the handle too.

My little one has a really bad cold and is just not feeling well. I grabbed a picture of her during one of her naps. Precious isn't she?

Bekah wants to be just like her daddy. She kept trying to get to the keyboard but she still can't crawl. Close-but not quite there. Good thing for us.


Well, we are still in California. Our house has been on the market for 2 months now. We have had two open houses and maybe 3-4 people actually came to look at it. Since then, in the last month, we have had no one come interested in buying. We are just waiting to see what God will do and see where He wants us. We are ready to move and just want to be in His will. I have a job waiting for me as soon as we get to Colorado. Chris is waiting for a call from a company there as well. Hopefully our house will sell soon and we will be moving. That's all for now.


  1. She is just too cute! Love the pictures! Miss you!

  2. I loved the tooth brushing pics. :) Awe. Give her a big kiss from Aunt Megan. I sure hope I get to see her and you all sooner rather than later!!! Phil and I were just talking about going camping with ya'll just today. (And rafting!)

  3. I love the pictures with her brushing her teeth. We will be praying that you sell your house!

  4. Those pictures are so cute! I'm up for a game of Catan when we can work it out...

    I'll be praying for you as well. You know I selfishly don't want you to move, but I am praying that if it's God's will, He'll send just the right buyer!! We'll have fun visiting you in Colorado. :)

  5. Hey Sarah,

    Congratulations on your Catan win -- I'm a little surprised you didn't blog about that!! :-)
