Tuesday, March 06, 2007

My Mom's Art Show

My mom had an opportunity to do an art show at the town hall in Redding. It turned out really nice. Chris and I and Bekah drove up to be there for the opening night and support my mom. We had a great time and I thought it was really cool to see all my mom's art hanging there. A couple of pieces sold and that was very cool. We loved spending time with my parents and they loved seeing Bekah. We had lots of fun playing games and hanging out. I really love my parents and getting to see them was great.

Bekah was the star of the show. She did sleep through part of the show but the other part she was smiling and seeing everyone.


  1. Looks like a fun time - what a cute picture of your mom and Bekah -

  2. I love that first picture too! Thanks for posting pics about the show. Looks great!

  3. Wow! That must have been really cool! Congratulate your mom for me :)
