Friday, March 09, 2007

Moving to Colorado

So this is going to be a kind of update on our lives at the moment blog. I did put these two really cute pictures in just so no one can complain that they need a pic.

Quite a few months ago Megan told me that she and Phil were going to move to Colorado in the summer and jokingly asked us to move there too. We laughed and said not in a million years. However, God has had a different plan for our lives. Little by little we kept thinking about Colorado and the good changes it could bring to our lives. Right now we own an awesome house but are burdened with a huge house payment that we could never hope to pay off. Because of the house payment it also means that I have to work so that we can make ends meet. That takes me away from Bekah so much.

We started looking at Colorado and found that would could sell our house and put quite a nice downpayment on a much cheaper but comparable house there. I could work as much as I wanted but be able to stay home with my baby when I wanted to as well. And we would be near my favorite sister and Phil. After Christmas we decided to get serious and actually go to Colorado and check it out. The day after we decided to do that I found out in the news paper that Sutter (where I work) was going to close within that year. It was kind of like God was pushing us a little more in that direction.

So right now we are going to move to Colorado for sure. Lots of things have been happening in our lives and we feel like we are in a whirlwind. We have been getting our house ready to sell and are actually putting it on the market this weekend. In three weeks we are flying out to look at Grand Junction. This town is at the base of the Rocky Mountains and is to the west of Denver. It has mild weather and is a small town. Hopefully just the right place to raise children. We will be only an hour away from Megan and Phil. I already have an interview set up for one of the days we will be there at the hospital in Grand Junction for a NICU position. God has given us so much peace through this whole process. It is not always easy, especially with a baby to care for, but we see His hand continually in our lives. Though we are saddened to leave our friends and family here in Santa Rosa we are excited about all that God has planned for us.

Please pray that God will provide jobs for both Chris and I, a place to live, a buyer for our house and wisdom and guidance through the months to come. Well, I think that is about all that is going on at the moment. We will keep you up to date.


  1. I will be praying for you guys. Having been through 2 big moves recently I know how stressful it can be. But even with all that if you know it is what God wants you to do, then it makes it so much easier!!!

    Plus Bekah is still young enough that the travel and change should be easier on her.

    Looking forward to more updates...:)

    Now if I could only convince Ben to want to be stationed in :)

  2. We will pray for you all as you contemplate this large change in your lives. Being young can provide much energy for this move and we know you both have the faith to accomplish all that GOD can give you. Many wonderful thoughts your way from us and we look forward to a new place to visit someday, GOD Willing.. We prefer the little winter we have here though compared to Colorado, good luck and prepare for those heating bills! GOD BLESS

  3. great, now who will play settlers of Caton with us?

  4. Oh Drama Queen, I'm sure that you guys will be able to find lots more people to play with and get them hooked on it too.

    Julie, I would love it if you guys moved to Col. That would be so awesome. Maybe someday, huh?

  5. I have to confess I am sad :(:( (Not my favorite post ever - thank goodness for the pics of Bekah) - but know we are praying for you and Jeremy and I will miss you guys more than you will probably know.

  6. Drama Quee - we love Catan :):)

  7. Just returned from Co. It sure is beautiful. I just keep thinking how close you'll be and I'm SOOO excited. We didn't have a super successful time looking for housing. I pray yours will be better. We have an application on one lovely place but someone else is also applying so it looks like a 50-50 chance.

  8. Wow Sarah! How exciting for all of you. I know that you mentioned this to me and how wonderful to see God opening doors for you! Sometimes that is just how God works. That was how it was when we got this house and when Wayne got his new job. There was no denying that God wanted us to go that direction. Now you'll be closer!!! We'll be praying for you with all of these changes that could occur!

  9. Wow...

    I can hardly believe you guys are really moving.

    I envy your new adventure and know that everything will come together.

  10. Sarah, I still can't see the new post. Weird huh? I don't know what's going on.

  11. WOWZA!!! The Loomises are last to know--but how cool that God moves mountains! Your move sounds a lot like ours---and we are continually amazed at God's faithful blessings on us here in Georgia...

