Sunday, March 18, 2007

A Day at the Beach

We spent a fun afternoon on the beach today. It was so great to just relax with my family and not work on the house or anything else. We packed a picnic lunch and drove out to school house beach. After eating we walked the beach and then sat by the cliff near a little waterfall. Bekah had a nice little nap in the carrier and Baily, our doggy, had fun playing in the water and running around. It was kinda cold and windy but we kept Bekah nice and warm. It was soooo relaxing.

Chris shared some special time with Bekah in the car. Isn't he so cute with her? I love their beautiful blue eyes and darling smiles.

On the way home we stopped for icecream at Screamin' Mimi's. They have really good icecream and a fun place to relax. This is Bekah napping again while we waited in line. All in all it was a pretty perfect day!!


  1. Very cute pictures - glad you were able to get some time to relax - you guys have been going non-stop and we all need a break sometimes!

  2. i love the pictures. It made me a little sad to see the ocean! :( I haven't seen it for awhile. I'm glad you got to get away for a break.

  3. Yeah for the beach. Way to visit before you move. I kind of wish Phil and I had been able to go back to Santa Monica before he left. :( I can still go but it's no fun by myself. I love the picture of Bekah and Chris where she's putting her fingers on his chin. SOOOOO cute!
