Friday, January 05, 2007

Bekah during the holidays

Every morning after nursing around 5 or 6 Bekah snuggles up with mommy for another nap (mostly for mom's sake). This is her sleeping right after mommy got up. She really likes the fun penguin sheets!

Grandpop steals a hug on New Year's Eve.

Baily comes over to see Bekah and say hi.

Bekah just loves her daddy. Look at the eye contact she has when looking at him. They have such good times together.


  1. Very cute pictures - glad I got to see some new pics - and I can't wait to see you all in person :):) Give Bekah a hug for me - - -

  2. I love the pictures! I can't wait to meet her in person! :) It was fun catching up the other day...we need to do it more often.
