Thursday, December 21, 2006

Smiling-My New Pasttime

Bekah has started smiling sooo much. I absolutely love it. Her face just lights up in the most beautiful way as she smiles at her papa and I. Here she is one cold winter morning in her Christmas jammies just smiling away. How could anyone resist such a face as that.

This last Sunday David's mom, Bonnie, came to visit Bekah and say hi to the Kuhner's. She brought Bekah this beautiful outfit. The soft pink skirt looks so nice with the little blouse and matching sweater. I had fun showing her off at a Christmas party from work. Doesn't she look so darling?


  1. Bekah looks soooo happy! and why wouldn't she be with such lovely parents.

  2. Very cute smiles and that outfit is precious!

    So how many of these photos are making it into the scrapbook? :)

  3. It's funny that you can't see my comments. I can see them...but yes, I messed with the html in order to create christmasy colors. I changed something. See if it works now. (I don't really know what I'm doing so I just went in and messed around!)
