Saturday, December 16, 2006

First Shots and Other Stuff

I love her 49er cheerleader outfit. Isn't she precious in it?

Bekah got her first set of shots on Thursday. She had no idea what was coming and was very upset when she found out. Her eyes got real wide and then she let out quite a scream. Poor baby. She did very well until later that night. She started crying and crying. She finally calmed down after 20 minutes of crying when the Tylenol kicked in. She has been great since then and she even slept through the night with only a few little bits of fussiness. She is sleeping through the night every night now and it is awesome.


  1. Sarah, I love the new pics. Bekah's definitely put on some more weight since Thanksgiving. I love the picture of her sleeping near the end. She looks so heavenly. Can't wait to see her and you at Christmas. You're looking good too! Great job on working out.

  2. This is one of the most cutest babies I have seen ever!!!!

  3. Thanks guys. I totally agree. Of course I am so biased.
