Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bekah and our Christmas tree

Bekah is growing so fast. She is just about 11 lbs now. Her cheeks are so chubby now. Isn't she adorable!

Our tree fell over due to a big base and a small tree trunk. I think it looks like a modern tree. Don't worry, we finally fixed it after a couple of days.

Check out this hat we tried on Bekah. So cute.

We had such a pretty rainbow over our house. Ours is the one on the corner.


  1. Cool pictures - when was the rainbow?

  2. Very pretty. Too bad you didn't get a panoramic of the rainbow and house. :)

  3. I think the rainbow was last Friday. Not quit sure. I do wish I had a panoramic. The rainbow was just too big. It was awesome.
