Sunday, October 15, 2006

She's HERE!!!

Rebekah Jeanette Kuhner

11:42am PDT

6lbs 6oz

19 inches long


  1. Congratulations! Yeah, even though I can't be there to see Becca in person, I'm the first to see her pics on the blog. What a beautiful little girl! I'm so excited that you had a girl. :) I almost cried when I heard the message from Chris on my way home from Mexico! Sarah, you look beautiful holding your daughter! I love you all! Hugs and Kisses from AUNT Megan!

  2. She is adorable!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited and thankful that things went well - God is sooooooo good!!!!! She is a doll!!!!!!! Let us know if you need anything - we're always here for ya!

  3. I just wanted to post again to say - Rebekah is adorable! Can ya tell I am excited???????

  4. YAY! Congratulations Chris and Sarah! Praise God! She is soooo cute! I can't wait to meet her in person. I will pray that your time in the hospital will go well and you will recover quickly. Please call if you need anything.

  5. YAY!!!! I am so excited!! She is beautiful!!!! My mom called me this afternoon to tell me!!! I'm so happy that you had a girl!!!!! YAY!!!!

  6. Congratulations to both of you!!!! God is good!!!!

    Kevin & Allison

  7. She's even cuter in person! We brought home two very excited prospective babysitters from the hospital visit! :) They were saying, "When can we go visit again???"

  8. Yes - she is cuter in person - this is very true!!!

  9. Oh Sarah I am so happy for you :) Congratulations :) I love love love the name too. Looks like it is turning out that you will have girls and I will have the boys :) I can't wait to hear more about her. She is too cute :)

  10. Congratulations Sarah!!!!!! She is gorgeous, and I love the name :)
    It is too funny though because I just sent you a pair of pjs for the baby. I sent white because you were having a suprise. I wish I would have waited now and sent pink!!!!!!!! Girls are wonderful. :)

  11. Unbelievable. The thought of my friend Chris as a Dad is still scary to me

  12. Oh, you are going to LOVE being a mommy so much....and I can say from experience that girls are SO WONDERFUL! Hey, GREAT NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Named her after me, huh? (*wink!*) Sarah, Rebekah is beautiful. I would love to meet her someday!

  13. Congratulations Chris and Sarah! What a beautiful little girl! Better tell Catie to get a move on finding herself a man! (-:

  14. How cute is that little girl!! What a blessing she is!!! And Sarah you look great after all that. I can't wait to hear all the details of the labor and all that. Hope to see you and the baby soon. Emberli

  15. Congradulations! I so happy, and welcome to parenthood! Try not to think about the sleepless's all worth it.

  16. I loved holding my grandbaby Rebekah, but it sure looks like the Reynolds in her is taken over by the Kuhner side! Where are the other grandparents? Love, Mom

  17. Mom,

    After you left we realized we didn't have any pictures of you guys with Rebekah. Email them to me so i can post them! :D

  18. Congratulations Sarah and Chris. If I had the picture albums (Seann has them) I would send a picture of you Sarah as a baby. When I first opened this blog site and saw Rebekeh's first pictures I thought she resembled her great-grandmother Della, but she is her own little beautiful self with much love handed down from everyone in the families. May you share many memories as you begin your family adventures. Love to you, Great Aunt Karo (Carolyn)
