Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Our new floors and Jessie's Birthday

Chris and my dad spent 3 days working so hard on ripping out the old linoleum and laying the new tile. They retiled the laundry room, hallway, bathroom and the kitchen. I love walking through there and seeing the new floor.

They kept on working and working.

My dad spent hours on his knees as he helped with the floor.

Our newly tiled kitchen. It looks so good and is so much better than the linoleum.

The entry way in our house.

Our dining room.

This is our dining room with our new cabinet we got to keep baby out of Chris' electronic stuff.

Our living room with our new rug. This is now Bailey favorite spot to sleep.

Jessie turned five years old and got such an adorable cupcake birthday cake.

So cute.

Jessie got some fun dolls to play with for her fifth birthday.


  1. The new floors look awesome! Jen and I want to do the hardwood in our house also.

  2. Thanks Andy. The guy we used was really good and it only took 3 days to do all the floors (wood). Just to warn you, dogs become much, much louder on wood floors though it is really fun to watch her slide on the floors.

  3. Sarah, cute profile pic. Thanks for ALL of the pictures & posts! I enjoyed them immensely. Wow! Your house looks beautiful!! I love the tile & wood flooring. You've gotten SO big since I last saw you. (Or should I say Baby!) Jesse has grown so much as well. She doesn't look like a toddler anymore! She's looks a lot like Brittany now! Love ya!

  4. The house looks GREAT!!!!!!! Good post - great pics! Jesse looks so cute and that cake is adorable - who made it?

  5. I think they got the cake from safeway. It was really a cute idea for a cake, and easy to "cut" too. I am glad that you are pleased with my blogging Meg. I really can't wait to see you in a few weeks. Hopefully I'll still fit behind the wheel of my car, Hehehe. Hope you are having fun at school.

  6. I'll echo the rest and tell you: 1. Your house looks really great.
    2. The cupcake cake is too cute.
    3. The profile pic is pretty cute as well.
    Boy I hate it when I totally agree with everyone else--what's the point in making a comment? :)

  7. Your floors look awesome! I can't wait to see them in person...we are saving up to do something similar. :) What kind of wood are they? I just ordered a cupcake cake for Katrina's birthday party (3 on Saturday)...I'm glad they look so cute in real life.

  8. I keep checking back every day to see if a new post is up. Alas, I usually must resort to begging before it happens. :( How is my sister and niece or nephew doing this week??
