Saturday, July 22, 2006

My family again

Megan and I wanted one more picture before she left for southern ca. Isn't she so cute!! I had so much fun hanging out with her and just enjoying her company.

The three of us competed for the biggest tummy. I think I won this time.

The three girls-together again

My dad, Megan and my mom

The night before my parents left for home we all went over to my Uncle Wayne's house for a swim. This was my mom's favorite picture. Here you go mom!!

My belly is really starting to show now. I love looking down and knowing my child is growing in me. Especially when I can see the baby punching, kicking and head butting. I have only felt hiccups once or twice so far but boy does it feel weird.

Hanging out with my cat Emma. She only tolerates this briefly so I was fortunate to get this picture.

1 comment:

  1. "Starting to show?" Ha! You've been showin' for a long time girl! I enjoyed the time I had with you and the rest of our family. Keep Baby safe. Very nice thoughts about Grandma Della.
