Sunday, June 11, 2006

Jeremy vs the lemon


  1. This was funny - thanks for sharing!!!!!!

  2. I am SO SO happy to get in contact with you again! You are the cutest pregnant girl ever....I am impressed. At 5 months, I barely had a bump. I didn't start to show until 7 months! Are you finding out if you are having a girl or boy? Your nursery is gorgeous too! I should have known your mom would do a FABULOUS job. That baby is going to be so blessed to have you as parents! Even though I have never met Chris, he seems like a great guy! Yes, our lives have changed a lot over the past 4 years! Ellie is the light of our lives....2 is SUCH a fun age. She understands and communicates so much, which is so much nicer than when she cried and I had no idea what was wrong!....of course I miss the baby days too. I miss the little cuddles and coos and toothless grins....but hopefully someday God will bless us with another bundle. Please keep in touch! Love you!
