Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Just some thoughts

I have been spending a lot of time recently thinking about becoming a mother. I think about the quiet times I will be able to sit and snuggle with my infant. Smell it's hair and fresh baby smell. Feel it's soft skin and hold it's little hand in mine. I want to make a safe, loving place for our child. A place where I never get irritated or yell. A place where my little one is obedient and loving. I have so many dreams and hopes for our family. I do realize that my little world is not going to be like this, at least all the time. So many times thoughtout the day I stop and pray that God will be with Chris and I as we parent. I pray that I will be the mother that God wants me to be. I pray each day that God will help us to show our baby who He is and that the child will love God and serve Him. Well, Chris just put a new Extreme Home Makeover on and I'm signing off now.


  1. It can be scary thinking about motherhood. But God has a way of helping us. It is amazing how natural motherhood comes sometimes. And when it doesn't feel so natural you have the support of God, your husband, family and friends :)

  2. Being a parent is the best experience, apart from God and being married. No one can truly prepare you for what you will experience and feel. You will be great at it Sarah. You've already had experience raising older kids so you are better prepared! God will help you get through the challenging times. Just remember there is no such thing as perfection! There will be good days and bad. But God will get you through them both. :)

  3. So let's see how that baby's looking now! I just found out my buddy kindergarten teacher is pregnant and due Oct. 31st so she's basically due at the same time. I'll be watching her to see what you look like.

  4. You'll be a great parent. God will help you through all of the hard times. You'll know exactly what to do when the time comes. And remember, we're always here for you Mother Sarah!
