Sunday, May 28, 2006

Half way there!!

Chris is having a bonding moment with Baily. I have no idea what they are discusing but Baily is sure listening well. Aren't they so cute.

Here I am with my friends who get to see their baby's sooner than I do. Sarah is due in 4 1/2 months. Michelle (middle) is due in 4 weeks. Kim is due in only one week. We were all hanging out with our friends at Michelle's pamper party painting our toes and fingers, soaking our feet and doing other fun stuff. It is so awesome to have Christian friends to spend time with.

Chris took me out to breakfast at the Omlet Express before our day started. We had a nice time together and even got to see Charlie Brown holding something very dear to my heart-icecream!

Ok, I love icecream!!! I mean I really love the stuff. It has always been a favorite of mine but now that I am pregnant I eat it just about every day. Today Chris was helping his parents move a new couch into their house and was gone for a while. I got my token icecream cone (mint chocolate chip) and thoroughly enjoyed all of it. Later that night after dinner Chris surprised me by taking me out to Cold Slab Creamery for more icecream. I wisely waited until I had my icecream cone in hand before telling him that it was my second that day. He confirmed my wisdom by stating that had he known I had already had one he would not have taken me out. Boy do I know my hubby. He is really good to me though.

So do I look pregnant yet? This is me favorite prego top.

Well Megan, here I am with my little bump. I am finally half way there and I can't wait to see the little one. It seems like every day I get a little rounder. Fortunately it doesn't bother me yet. I keep listening for the heart beat with the fetal doplar and still can't hear it. I was able to here the blood flowing to the placenta and that was so cool. Still waiting to feel the baby kick though.


  1. Wow! You've really grown A LOT since your last pictures. I'm jealous I'm not able to be there to share in this special time with you. I will treasure whatever time we get together this summer! I love you and can't wait for my little niece or nephew. *Sigh*

  2. Oh you look so cute :) Are you guys going to find out what you are having?

  3. I think I have finally convinced Sarah to wait till the baby is born to find out although she plans on looking at the sonogram we are having in a couple of weeks to see if she can tell on her own.

  4. You guys are good...we just can't wait that long :)
